Southwestern MN Synod Memorial
  Worship Renewal
  Music Critique


Southwestern Minnesota Synod

WHEREAS, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has established a process to determine the “next generation” of worship resources; and

WHEREAS, the proposed Renewing Worship materials are scheduled for consideration and approval by the Churchwide Assembly of the ELCA in 2005; and

WHEREAS, the process of preparing these new worship materials has not been widely followed in this church and received little scholarly or critical review because other contentious issues have diverted the attention of scholars, pastors, and members of congregations from the Renewing Worship process; and

WHEREAS, changes in worship materials and resources are always controversial and a number of substantial changes are contained within the Renewing Worship materials; and

WHEREAS, additional review, comment, and scholarly attention would be useful and no harm would be created by a delay; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the 2005 Churchwide Assembly postpone approval and implementation of the Renewing Worship materials until at least the 2007 Churchwide Assembly;
and be it further

RESOLVED, that the 2005 Churchwide Assembly authorize a process by which the Renewing Worship materials will be
studied, reviewed, and evaluated by people from a wide variety of Lutheran academic, theological, and musical traditions,
particularly for the materials’ fidelity to Lutheran confessional theology;
and be it further

2005 PRE-ASSEMBLY REPORT: Report of the Memorials Committee Section VI \ Page 40

RESOLVED, that all such evaluations be distributed to all congregations at least one year before the Renewing Worship
materials are to be considered for approval by the Churchwide Assembly.